“What is Love” is a video produced by CVCNow, a group that offers creative short films, designed to entertain and challenge your thinking about real life. They are hoping to bring a “much needed positive presence online and bring a fresh new perspective on real life struggles.”
The video expresses the beauty and happiness that can only be found in one kind of love, the authentic kind, the self-giving kind. The wide reception that it has had around the world (see the video at the end of this post) only confirms the fact that this is the kind of love that we are looking for.
Ryan Ferrera is Founder and Administrator of, a source for insightful, engaging, and relevant materials about the Christian faith.
What is love? The world is crying out for an answer to this very question. Is it a feeling? An emotion? Often we hear 1 John 4:8 which tells us that “God is love.” But what does this mean and how do we live it out? Jesus tells us in his words (“No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” – John 15:13) and certainly through his sacrifice that love is not just a feeling or an emotion, but an action. We too show our love for others by laying down our lives and placing their needs before our own. This is precisely what Bill has demonstrated in the video as he dedicates every opportunity to provide for the needs of his ailing wife. As we too look to grow in the truest sense of love, a task that at times seems so large that we don’t know where to start, let us look to the words of Blessed Mother Teresa: “I never look at the masses as my responsibility; I look at the individual. I can only love one person at a time – just one, one, one. So you begin.”
Corey Heimann is founder of Likable Art, a source of creative apostolic videos, websites, and other initiatives. Check out his website at:
My mother leads a Alzheimer’s support group in my community and when she saw this video she immediately sent it to me. The support group isn’t for the individuals with Alzheimer’s but the caretakers. On several occasions I’ve sat in on these meetings; the love and sacrifice has never been clearer than eyes of a husband or wife caring for their love.
After the video received so much attention, Bill responded by explaining that this love can only come from God – truly selfless love, in the very small things of his wife’s daily life. While we may see his wife as incapable of doing things in this world, it doesn’t compare to our incapability to earn God’s love. But he loves us still with a sacrificial love so great that he would die for us, and there is no greater love than this! (John 15:13)
Monica Perez Lopez is the English editor of, a page that’s been around since 1995 and has been a pioneer in Catholic online presence.
Love… one of the most recurring themes in artistic creation, and one of the most exploited and distorted by the mass media nowadays. However, regardless how, who or why it is depicted, Love quite often is presented to us as a rebellious bird – just like Bizet’s aria of Carmen – guided by pleasure, that flies free back and forth on a constant and selfish search of personal well being when in fact, its true nature is the opposite.
True love’s measure is always God’s love because He is the perfect love, the one and eternal love from whom every love emerges. God’s call, regardless the specific vocation of each person, is a call to love. Not to a selfish and lackluster imitation of love but to a kind of love capable to consider a privilege to serve the one you love even despite all odds, just as Bill in this video does.
Love among spouses as well as among God’s children, should reveal one to the other, the profound and unique way as God loves each, as a friend of mine said once: “To say that God loves you ‘just the way you are’, is to misunderstand God’s infinite love. His love does not depend on HOW you are.”
Jeff Hedglen is a Campus Minister and the Associate Director of Young Adult Ministry at the Fort Worth Diocese. You can also check out his blog here.
Sickness and health, for better or worse, are they words, promises or actions? In truth they are all three, but I would suggest to the person dreaming of marriage they are romantic words, to the couple standing before the alter they are heart felt promises, and to every post-honeymoon couple they are actions.
Love is a word that means many things. We love pizza, video games and the local sports teams. But we also love our parents, children and friends. Still again we love our boy friends, girl friends and spouses.
When the couple in this video first started riding bikes they dreamed of saying the words of the wedding vow to proclaim their love, but now when they ride, the actions the husband takes proclaim the love. Words are not needed.
Love is wanting a good thing for another and being willing to do what it takes to make that good thing happen. It can be as simple as preparing a cup of coffee, or it can take the form of laying ones life down for ones friends. It can also take the form of a bike ride along the beach.
Check out the response from Bill gives after witnessing the massive impact the video has had on people’s lives:
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© Garrett for Catholic Link, 2013. |
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